4月21日下午,湖南大学工商管理学院与越南河内国家大学交叉学科与艺术学院以线上联合授课的形式,推出中越交互式课堂。第1期主讲人、工商管理学院助理教授沈雅茜与学生们深入探讨了人力资源管理领域的应用和发展。On the afternoon of April 21st, in the form of online joint teaching, the Business School of Hunan University collaborated with the School of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Arts of Vietnam National U...
近日,“ITCBE (International Training Camp for Business Elite) 国际精英人才训练营”第五期蒙古国高级商贸管理研修班学员到工商管理学院交流。湖南大学国际交流合作处副处长周健出席会议并致辞。Recently, ‘Participants of the Fifth International Training Camp for Business Elite (ITCBE)’ from Mongolian Advanced Business Seminar came to the Business School of Hunan University. Mr. Zhou Jian, Deputy Direc...
4月17日晚,湖南大学工商管理学院与美国萨福克大学索耶商学院以线上联合办学的形式,首次推出中美交互式课堂。索耶商学院市场营销系讲师、综合营销咨询公司Ring Communications创始人Kimberley Ring为大家带来一场丰富多彩的社交媒体营销课程。On April 17th, Business School of Hunan University launched the first online interactive class with Suffolk University Sawyer Business School. Kimberley Ring presented a d...