近日,“ITCBE (International Training Camp for Business Elite) 国际精英人才训练营”第五期蒙古国高级商贸管理研修班学员到工商管理学院交流。湖南大学国际交流合作处副处长周健出席会议并致辞。
Recently, ‘Participants of the Fifth International Training Camp for Business Elite (ITCBE)’ from Mongolian Advanced Business Seminar came to the Business School of Hunan University. Mr. Zhou Jian, Deputy Director of International Exchange and Cooperation Office of Hunan University, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Zhou Jian
Mr. Zhou Jian introduced the basic situation of Hunan University and elaborated the definition and main connotation of Huxiang culture from the geographical environment of Hunan. He emphasized the significance of investment in education for promoting social progress and development, and expected that this exchange would make positive contributions to the deepening of educational cooperation between China and Mongolia.

Visit in Yuelu Academy
经济发展部顾问Bayarsaikhan Edenebat、财政部专家Unenat Anarmaa、审计部部门主管Dechinsamauu Bat-undraa等研修班学员参观完岳麓书院后,对书院的历史底蕴表示印象深刻,并希望未来能举办更多交流活动,深化中蒙两国在文化、教育等领域的合作,增进两国人民友谊。
After visiting Yuelu Academy, Bayarsaikhan Edenebat, advisor of the Ministry of Economic Development, Unenat Anarmaa, expert of the Ministry of Finance, and Dechinsamauu Bat-undraa, head of department of the Ministry of Audit, and other participants were deeply impressed by the historical heritage of the academy, they also hoped that more exchanges could be organized in the future to deepen the cooperation between the two countries in the fields of culture, education and friendship. They hoped that more exchange activities could be organized in the future to deepen the cooperation between China and Mongolia in the fields of culture, education and so on.

Group photo