湖南大学工商管理学院的《组织行为学》课程开设可以追溯到20世纪80年代初。最初在湖南大学最早由唐子畏教授开设“行为学概论”,并编写了全国较早的行为学教材《行为学概论》;在湖南财经学院最早由袁凌教授开设“管理心理学”,并于1993年合作编写、出版了教材《现代管理心理学》,该教材获湖南省优秀教材二等奖; 《组织行为学》自2004年1月出版,2007年入选国家“十一五”规划教材建设项目。2010年获国家精品课程称号。
Course description:
Organizational Behavior is a core curriculum for students of majoring business administration. This course mainly introduces the organizational behavior theory and methods, including the effects of individual, group, organization of organization behavior, and explains how to organize effective communication, solve the conflict of organization, perfecting the organization change, and use this knowledge to improve organizational performance. This course will address is the key problem of organizational behavior, including the basis of individual behaviors, attitudes and job satisfaction, personality and values, perception and individual decision, incentive theory and application, group work and team management, organizational communication, organizational conflict, organizational structure optimization design, organizational change and job stress management. Students will have a lot of interesting case for study and discussion in this course. Based on the real case analysis and discussion, teacher helps students to broaden their horizons, to solve practical problems in organizational management with knowledge. This course can help students to establish a people-oriented management concept, understanding the individual, group and organizational behavior, to grasp the main personality, cognition, motivation, about motivation, organizational communication, organizational conflict, organizational change and development, in order to improve team performance and efficiency of the organization. Students should actively participate in classroom learning and after class practice, from a practical point of view, to improve the psychological quality, team spirit and ability to analyze and solve practical problems.
第1讲 组织行为学概述
第2讲 个体行为基础
第3讲 个性与情绪
第4讲 工作环境中的激励
第5讲 工作设计与工作压力
第6讲 组织公民行为管理
第7讲 群体行为基础
第8讲 信息沟通
第9讲 团队建设
第10讲 群体冲突管理
第11讲 组织行为基础
第12讲 领导与权力
第13讲 领导理论
第14讲 组织变革与发展
第15讲 组织文化管理
