
曹丰副教授合作论文被Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis正式接受


近期,工商管理学院曹丰副教授与Yuhai Xuan, Rongli Yuan, Hong Zou合作撰写的论文"Governance by One-Lot Shares"被国际权威期刊Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis正式接受(forthcoming)。该期刊是金融学领域公认的权威期刊之一,每年投稿数量超过1200篇,接受发表的比例仅有8%。

Abstract:We use a novel experiment in China to examine the effects of having a quasi-official investor own a small number of shares on specific firm outcomes. We find that relative to control firms, pilot firms experience an increase in dissenting votes from independent directors, a reduction in tunneling and earnings management activities, and an improvement in merger performance. Independent directors questioned by the quasi-official shareholder in activism events subsequently lose board seats in the director market. Overall, our results shed light on a new mechanism for enhancing the protection of minority shareholders.



曹丰,湖南大学工商管理学院副教授,博士生导师,财务管理系主任。入选财政部全国会计领军人才(学术类),湖湘青年英才,中国商业会计学会理事,《财务研究》学术委员会委员,湖南省工商管理学会副秘书长,湖南省系统工程与管理学会理事,湖南省技术经济与管理现代化研究会理事,湖南大学“岳麓学者”。曾获湖南省青年教工党员示范岗、湖南省教育系统优秀共产党员、湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师、长沙市青年岗位能手等荣誉。研究领域聚焦于财务管理与资本市场,现已在Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, British Accounting Review, European Accounting Review,Journal of Business Finance & Accounting,Corporate Governance: An International Review, Emerging Markets Review, International Review of Economics & Finance, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting等SSCI期刊,以及《管理世界》、《金融研究》、《会计研究》、《审计研究》、《财贸经济》、《南开管理评论》、《管理评论》、《经济管理》等国内高水平期刊上发表论文30余篇。担任Journal of Corporate Finance、《管理世界》等多本SSCI和CSSCI源刊匿名审稿人。