为满足学生海外交流学习需求,拓宽学生国际视野,提升学生综合素质,推动跨文化学习交流,9月22日下午,湖南大学工商管理学院成功举办“麓商寰球·第七期 国际交流项目&奖学金宣讲会”。
Business School of Hunan University successfully organised the 7th‘Yuelu Business & Global’sharing session on‘International Exchange Programs and Scholarships’conducted on September 22nd. It aimedto fulfill the students' desire for international and global exchange and study, broaden their international horizons, improve their comprehensive quality, and promote cross-cultural exchanges.

宣讲会现场scene of the session
Luo Zhuowa, the Section Head of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Hunan University introduced the various types of short and long-term exchange programs available at Hunan University. She also provided a detailed explanation of the‘Overseas Exchange Scholarships for Undergraduates’policyto promote more active participation of students in international exchange activities.

罗卓娃Luo Zhuowa
Afterwards, the International Exchange and Accreditation Centre of the Business School introduced the‘Aier Centennial Business Development Fund International Exchange Scholarship’to the attending students. This scholarship aims to support the EQUISinternationalaccreditation of the Business School, encourage students to study abroad, and cultivate innovative talents with an international vision and competitive edge.
Approximately 150 students actively listened to the content and asked questions specific to their own situations, such as the GPA requirements, program details, and application process for the scholarships.
After thesession, students expressed the hope that theSchoolcouldorganise more international exchange sharing sessionto help students to getopportunities offurtheroverseasstudy and exchange.
The sharingsessionis an important initiativetaken bytheBusiness Schoolto actively promote international exchange and cooperation. In the future, the School will leverage the‘Yuelu Business & Global’series of activities to provide more platforms for international academic and cultural exchanges.