10月28日,工商管理学院举办了“ITCBE: International Training Camp for Business Elite国际商业精英人才训练营”第8期。来自哈萨克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦的17名学员参加本次训练营,开启了一段学习和文化交流之旅。
On October 28th,Business School of Hunan University (HNUBS)hostedthe 8thsession of ITCBE (International Training Camp for Business Elite) program.17 participants from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistanparticipated in this training camp, embarking on a journey of learning and cultural exchange.

Ms. Liu Lei, Director of International Exchange and Cooperation Department at Hunan University, welcomed the participants and briefly introduced the university’s history and achievements in international collaboration. Ms. Liu focused on the theme of Huxiang Culture, delivering a comprehensive and vivid introduction to the long history and culture of Hunan using rich historical materials and humanistic spirit. Her lecture covered various aspects such as representative figures of Hunan, and spiritual connotations and modern values of Huxiang Culture.

During the interaction session, the participants actively engaged in discussions. They showed great interest in our school, raising questionsaboutourinternational exchanges, university-industry cooperation, facultyresource, and talentcultivation.The atmosphere was very vibrant.

Next,the participantsvisited the Yuelu Academy. After experiencingthis millennial institution of learning,theyexpressed thatthis programnot only broadened their horizons but also deepened their understanding and affection for Chinese culture.
HNUBSadheres to an open and cooperative approach to education, practicingthemodernintegration ofcultures of Yuelu Academy,Hunan University and businessfield. The successful hosting ofITCBE programhasfurther strengthened international exchanges and cooperationof the school.Going forward, the school will continue to build an internationalized training systemso as toenlargeits brand influence at home and abroad.